Want to Sell Your Art with Confidence?

Break Free from These 5 Myths!

Myth vs. Reality: What’s Really Holding You Back from Selling Your Art?
Come to this FREE workshop and we'll bust 5 myths that keep you from creative success.

I'm ready for creative success!

Join the BDI-VIP Room for $29

Rocket the value of your workshop experience! Join the BDI-VIP Room!
After the workshop, get focused coaching on YOUR unique creative goals!

Yes - I want to be a BDI-VIP!

This is a FREE workshop just for creatives – just like you.

Discover 5 myths holding you back from becoming a successful artist.
Ready to do some myth busting, and reach your goals? Grab your seat, my friend!

Here are the 5 myths we will bust!

The Perfect

There’s no one-size-fits-all path to success. Discover how to map YOUR path that let’s your creativity shine bright—and succeed!

No Regrets
or Else...

Fearful of second-guessing decisions? Learn how to make choices that provide confidence and wisdom to reach your goals.

I'm Just Too Different

Family and friends don’t “get you?” Discover how a creative community will speed up your success. Don't travel alone!

Creative Blockage

Waiting for the muse? Learn how a simple framework can spark creativity – keep you inspired – and produce consistent work!

Overnight Success

Discover strategies for long-term growth. Learn the facts about quick wins. Discover how to “get in the room where ‘it’ happens”

Meet your myth-buster:
Beth Buffington

Hi there! I'm Beth Buffington.
I'm a creative coach, licensed artist,
and the founder of BDI Create-Today. 

I'm passionate about showing artists how to build creative passion into creative success.

I have (ohhh so many) years of experience guiding creatives past their self-doubt, and watching them bloom into successful artists.

My days are dedicated to busting the myths that are keeping you from reaching your
full creative potential!

Artists are seeing results!

Meet Patty – She is enjoying success in her creativity – as a licensed artist who recently acquired an agent.

In this photo Patty is in an Atlanta Showroom with the plush octopus and book she has licensed. Patty used the knowledge she gained from the Create-Today Course "Learn the Art of Procreate" to reach these creative goals.

These are treasures Patty acquired because she is a Member inside the Create-Today Community.

Ready to Bust These 5 Myths 
and Unlock YOUR Creative Success?

Break free from what's holding you back, and start selling your art with confidence!

Yes Please! Save My Seat!

Join the BDI-VIP Room for $29

Rocket the value of your workshop experience! Join the BDI-VIP Room!
After the workshop, get focused coaching on YOUR unique creative goals!

Oooh - I want to be a VIP!