23 Fall CC Redirect

Come and Join the 
Creative Conversations...

Life’s too short not to do what you love—and do it well!
Join each speaker in their personal conversation, and let's get your creative motivation and inspiration FIRED up!

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Did you know a single creative conversation...

can provide a new idea that
could take YOUR ART to a whole new LEVEL!

It's the "getting to know" and  the networking with creatives...
that makes serendipity happen...
and in turn provides a dramatic surge of creativity and motivation!


Come join each speaker for their own


During each speaker's 90 minute conversation, you'll be enriched with valuable insights into their specific area(s) of expertise. 
You'll receive valuable information that can boost your creativity...
and help you find connections for your creative business! 


Each speaker share stories, tips, and content about how they found success in their areas of creative expertise.

Each conversation includes:

  • Time for introductions
  • The Speaker's content rich presentation!
  • Q&A time at the end of the Conversation
  • A surge of "Wow's" and "Aha's" as you learn and absorb new ideas!
  • A replay of the Conversation for clarity on any topics you need to hear again!

Browse the bios and descriptions for each Speaker's presentation (scroll down my friend!) and choose to attend the Conversation(s) that fit your creative needs!

Come...meet and mingle with

Lisa Murphy

Health Coach & Healthy Aging Expert

Presentation is available to view now!

Self-Care: Your most important art supply

Lisa partners with health conscious executives, entrepreneurs and creatives to help them optimize their resources and be wildly successful in all areas of life, including personal health and wellness.

Whether you're in your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s or beyond, if you want to age like a fine wine and be free from unmanaged stress, unnecessary medications, sleepless nights, restrictive diets and punishing exercise, now is the perfect time to set yourself up for healthy aging.

Lisa is instrumental in helping her clients master the following Four Pillars (Food, Mood, Rest and Movement.

The practices Lisa shares are the same ones she personally uses to thrive in her high pressure sales job, and that she still employs now, as a 56-year old entrepreneur…that is to feel more calm, confident and comfortable in her own skin than ever before.

Come...meet and mingle with

Mandi Blackford

Owner of Champagne Fabulous & Artist Mentor and Consultant

Presentation is available to view now!

Aging Inappropriately

In Mandi’s first presentation she is coming to gently and humorously –SHAKE UP your thoughts about what IS and what is NOT appropriate… in any season of life. (Yes...even YOUR season…)

Have you ever said to yourself “I’m too _____ to do that…”

Well my friend…prepare to shed those self-limiting thoughts and beliefs as Mandi shares with you how YOU can grant yourself the freedom to “Age Inappropriately!”

You will laugh and nod your head in understanding as Mandi shares the thoughts and beliefs she held… until she realized there was more to life…and she granted herself FREEDOM!

Come...meet and mingle with

Debbie Saviano

Social Media Advocate

Presentation is available to view now!

How to Maximize Social Media to Shine Your Brilliance! 

Debbie Saviano moved 30 times growing up and thus, she will tell you she never meets a stranger.

 Why is that important? Moving so much enabled her to LOVE Change and People.

Debbie was a school principal in her first career and when she entered her entrepreneurial phase she spent 2 and half years learning everything she could about Social Media. She is considered a Life-Long Learner and is always eager to share what she has learned to help others. 

Debbie is a huge advocate for Social Media with LinkedIn in particular. She says if you have internet you can connect with the globe as all boundaries are removed. There are no “Gate Keepers”. We can all Connect & Engage and she is going to share this during her presentation!

Come...meet and mingle with

Jennifer Smelker

Creative Author, Speaker & Cheerleader

Presentation is available to view now!

Preparing YOUR Art to Sell Wholesale! 

As an engineer turned artist, Jennifer creates colorful and seasonal designs inspired by what she discovers exploring and on her travels.

Ten years ago she founded Tandem For Two, a retail and wholesale gift company, that helps customers celebrate where they live and where life takes them.

Jennifer has an amazing retail journey about how her creative business grew from small to large! 

She will share with you – her wealth of knowledge, stories, and wisdom about how to successfully sell products that showcase your unique art.

Come...meet and mingle with

Andy Meehan

Greeting Card Guru
Talent Connector & Catalyst

Presentation is available to view now!

Art Connections and the Greeting Card Industry 

Andy's been in the greeting card industry for 30+ years.

He has been a consultant for Designer Greetings (the 3rd largest card company) since 2018 —and is the Managing Director of Madison Park Greetings.

Andy has selected and/or developed all the artists within MPG's portfolio.

Andy brings to the creative table a WEALTH of knowledge about developing and marketing art that is perfect for a greeting card.

He will shed some valuable light about artwork submission tips, and information to help you navigate this industry as an avenue to market your art!

Come...meet and mingle... AGAIN with

Mandi Blackford

Owner of Champagne Fabulous & Artist Mentor and Consultant

Presentation is available to view now!

Preparing Your Ideas and Art to Sell on Amazon

In Mandi's second presentation, she is sharing her tips, tricks and techniques for preparing your creative ideas to sell on Amazon!

Mandi Blackford created the Champagne Fabulous brand to bring vivacious and often hilarious gifts and decor to the world, and in 2022, she launched her first two original products on Amazon in the US, UK, and Australia.

She will share her insights about what it takes to source original products from manufacturers and sell with the Fulfilled by Amazon program.

Hey there!  I'm Beth,
Your Creative Host

In the past years...I learned I could use my art to express myself in new and exciting ways.

This can be true for YOU too!

I can’t wait for you to uncover new creative ideas through the wisdom and insight from these wonderful speakers!

You're here because you ARE creative! ...But, sometimes we need a boost to stretch creativity to new heights. 

I've started these Creative Conversations to open new insights... to strengthen your creative confidence... and to give you freedom to say "I CAN do NEW things!"

There's room for everyone at this table. Come to the conversation thinking... "hmmmm...if they could do it—so can I!"

Using the inspiration and collaboration we collect through these Creative Conversations, we can make the changes we wish to see in the world. And, my friend there's someone in the world who needs the creativity you have to share!

So come to the table...I look forward to enjoying a creative conversation together.


Choose the Speakers you would like to visit with

Choose one...or three...or all six. The more you chat... the more you save :)



ONE 90 minute presentation with Q&A's

  • One Conversation
  • Personally meet the speaker!
  • 60 minute presentation
  • Q&A's
  • Access to Replay
  • Mingle with fellow creatives
Choose ONE Speaker



THREE 90 minute presentations for the price of TWO!

  • Three Conversations
    (for the price of two)
  • Personally meet each speaker
  • 60 minute presentations
  • Q&A's at each presentation
  • Access to each Presentation's Replay
  • Mingle with fellow creatives
THREE Speakers for the price of 2



SIX 90 minute presentations for the price of THREE!

  • All SIX Conversations
  • Personally meet each speaker
  • 60 minute presentations
  • Q&A's at each presentation
  • Access to each Presentation's Replay
  • Mingle with fellow creatives
All SIX Speakers for the price of 3