Learn the Art of Procreate

Inspirational Stories of Success
Your Story Could Be Next!

These are real Stories from Beth's Procreate students who decided they were ready to map out their path to creative success with Procreate. Listen in and learn how they are using Procreate to make their creative dreams a reality!


Jane Lassiter

Winter '23

Jan Beach

Winter '22

Lindsey Murphy

Winter '23


Stacey K.

Winter '23

Lisa Haight

Summer '23

Yvette Pais

Summer '23


Pam Claspill

Fall '23

Cherrii Coe-Stephan

Fall '23


Jane Lassiter

Winter '23


Jan Beach

Winter '22


Lindsey Murphy

Winter '23


Stacey K.

Winter '23


Lisa Haight

Summer '23


Yvette Pais

Summer '23


Pam Claspill

Fall '23


Cherrii Coe-Stephan

Fall '23